October 23, 2015
Hook Up With Eating Healthy In College

Ramen -> Veggies & Peanut Butter
This microwavable delicacy is so appealing to college students because it's cheap and easy to make. Packing 875 mg of sodium, 25g of carbohydrates and a measly 4.5g of protein, however, these noodles are nothing but empty calories. Scrap ramen from your meal management bag and pump up your nutrients and protein with vegetables and peanut butter instead.
Pizza -> English Muffin Crust
Late night pizza is the definition of the college diet. Finding a better alternative can be difficult when it comes to eating healthy in college, especially when you're planning a TV show marathon with your roommates. Make a healthy substitute with an English muffin for the crust and your favorite healthy toppings to spice it up. Microwave your creation and pack the leftovers in your Expedition Backpack.
Chips -> Fruit, Nuts, Veggies
Spending hours studying can lead to major snacking. When eating healthy in college, cheating with chips can all too easily compromise your nutrition. Keep your macros on track by hooking up with better snacks like almonds, veggies and low-fat dip, air-popped popcorn or fruit. These great options add fiber and good fats to your diet while keeping you away from greasy snack temptations.
Bagels & Muffins -> High-Fiber Cereal, Yogurt, Fruit
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you have to start the day with a properly fueled body. Most college students roll out of bed and run to class, with nary a thought given to a decent breakfast. Avoid the ease of a bagel or muffin and keep yourself eating healthy in college by getting ready the night before. (For tips on how to do this, check out our guide to how to meal prep on a college budget.) Fill your Snap Lid Containers with high-fiber cereal you can easily eat on the go. Top it off with low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt as well as fresh blueberries for a delicious and filling breakfast.