November 18, 2015
Pick Up Your Plates For Paleo Thanksgiving

Mashed Cauliflower
Creamy and comforting like a side of real mashed potatoes, this variety is low in both carbs and calories. Mashed cauliflower is a great addition to your paleo Thanksgiving. Cauliflower is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and manganese, both of which are antioxidants that contain vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids.
Gluten-Free Dinner Rolls
Thank your digestive system and treat it with gluten-free dinner rolls for your paleo Thanksgiving. (Get the scoop on how to meal prep gluten-free year-round with Chandice.) Regular dinner rolls can get up to more than 250 calories per serving. By switching out a few ingredients, you can eliminate extra calories and keep your plate clean.
The amount of carbs in stuffing alone can put you to sleep, but substituting paleo ingredients can keep you awake for dessert. Stuffing consists of almost 9 cups of soft breadcrumbs. Replace the grains with protein-rich items like ground pork, diced mushroom, or coconut flour. Think about replacing the dairy from butter with coconut oil or bacon fat. Coconut oil can improve blood cholesterol levels and is known to lower your risk of heart disease. Beef up your stuffing this year with paleo Thanksgiving ingredients instead.
Green Bean Casserole
When you think of the main sides for your paleo Thanksgiving feast, green bean casserole will always make an appearance. The main ingredients typically include some kind of cream-based soup and milk, both of which go against paleo protocol, but they can be easily replaced. Make your dish a vegetable casserole by keeping the green beans and replacing the offending ingredients with items like coconut oil, yellow onion, mushrooms, and garlic to bump up the flavor.
You can't have Thanksgiving without turkey, but how do you make a paleo Thanksgiving turkey? The answer is as simple as using duck fat instead of butter! Although butter is accepted on the paleo diet, if you're looking to remove dairy, duck fat or ghee - a type of clarified butter that is a favorite alternative in the paleo world - are both better choices to cook your turkey in. To season, use garlic powder, rosemary, sage, and thyme for your turkey to marinate in a delicious mix of herbs and spices. You'll have tasty leftovers that are perfect or meal prepping.
Pumpkin Bread
If you have any room left for dessert you'll want to put your pumpkin bread through the paleo Thanksgiving treatment. Nothing says "fall" like the smell of warm pumpkin bread. Use your normal pumpkin bread recipe but replace ingredients with blanched almond flour, roasted pumpkin, and stevia for sweetener.