November 30, 2015
Transformation Series: Scott Hayhurst

Starting out on his own, Scott felt lost. He looked to a friend for help but still was unable to understand what he needed to do to change his lifestyle and body. In March 2015, things took a sharp turn forward when Scott found his coach, WNBF Pro, Gavin Gibson. Scott began his training regiment with 5 AM cardio workouts, 1-2 hours of weight training after work, and finishing up with interval training. He dedicated himself to training 6 days a week with a break on Saturdays to enjoy his personal life.The time to take control was now or never.

Scott sought out transformation inspiration from fitness competitors Dana Linn Bailey and Steve Cook. By following them on social media and watching their fitness videos, he was inspired by their dedication and work ethic. Their devotion ignited Scott's desire to compete on a stage himself one day. His family and their love of sports and fitness also inspired Scott. By not taking care of himself, Scott felt like he was letting them down. His family rallied together to help him improve his life and reach his goals. Scott's 6 Pack Bags are one of the main contributors to his success. Scott uses the Innovator 300 for work and the Expedition 500 for days out on the weekends and at shows."Mentally having to change the way you are is one of the hardest things, but once you do it, results follow."

Since his fitness transformation, Scott says he feels 100% better. Before, he used to wake up feeling bad and wanting to just go back to sleep. Now he gets up early in the morning feeling great and full of energy. His mind is set on what he wants to achieve and where he wants to go in life. Scott says his transformation helped him become more focused and determined then he had ever been before. His advice to anyone who wants to embark on their own transformation is to not be afraid to seek out help. Sometimes it takes someone else to help you push yourself and you shouldn't be afraid to find that person. Scott's trainer pushed him in a way Scott couldn't push himself. Over time, Scott was able to develop his own self-motivation when he began to see the results. To anyone who wants to begin their own fitness transformation, or just wants to get into fitness in general, Scott's basic advice is simple: never give up. Scott's story is very relatable to those searching for the motivation to improve themselves and their lives. It wasn't easy, but he pushed himself and achieved his goal of stepping onto the stage, during which he placed 5th!"I honestly would have struggled without my 6 Pack Bags. They are so useful and I wouldn't be caught without one now. Being able to have all my meals, supplements, and water all in one place means never missing out on anything."

Scott's meal management system was crucial for his transformation. Motivating yourself to switch from fast food to healthy meal prep is difficult, but Scott was able to do it with his 6 Pack Bags! They have been a critical help in his ability to stick to his diet, and continue to help him maintain his success every day."The results are sometimes hard to see as they might be small from one week to the next, but if you stick to it and push through, you will make it and you will have a better life."