March 10, 2015
Transformations Series: Eli Mattioda

Since then, she has competed in 3 shows back to back, but took last summer off to mentally prep for the next show and make time to help friends and family achieve their own fitness goals. "My hard work is never done," Eli said. "I'm always looking for more ways to challenge myself and push myself to the next level." Denise, Eli's boss, coach, trainer, and friend, believed in Eli before Eli believed in herself, and is naturally Eli's biggest inspiration. Denise now has a team of 20 girls called the Knockouts who compete in INBA & NPC figure competitions and Eli is incredibly proud to be a part of the team. Through the power of Instagram, Eli was introduced to 6 Pack Bags. "I saw someone posted a photo of one and I was in the middle of competition prep, lugging my food [around] and struggling," Eli said."I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into the gym [and] completely changed my lifestyle. On the day of the competition, I was 140 pounds! I went from over 35% body fat to 17%."
"[I am] so happy [I found] this amazing brand. It is the best investment in meal prep and lifestyle. I now own 5 different bags, [including] the Renee Tote in two colors, and am always prepared without hurting my diet."

Now Eli works at Training Loft 714, a body transformation studio, and is on her way to getting her own personal training certification in order to help others. She harbors an immense passion for fitness transformation stories and helping people believe in themselves like others believed in her. There is no doubt in our minds that Eli will succeed at whatever she puts her mind to, and we're proud to have played such a great role in her fitness journey! For more of the motivation fitness transformation tales of our awesome fans, check out our Transformations Series. For the perfect meal management system for your life, you're sure to find the right bag for you between our gym backpacks, gym totes, and sports duffle bags."Invest in you and make yourself a priority."