September 11, 2014
Physical Fitness Tips: College Edition

1. Make a Plan
It's important to map out a specific fitness schedule at the beginning of each semester. By determining when and how you will make time for exercise, you'll be far more successful than if you leave everything to chance. The trick is to set realistic expectations. If you're not a morning person, it's unlikely that you'll consistently be willing to wake up at 6 a.m. to get a workout in before your 8 a.m. class. Once you've built your workout time around your classes and job, you can organize the type of workout you'll get in each day at which times.
2. Choose Activities You Like
Getting into an exercise routine is tough, but it's a lot easier when you choose activities you like. A lot of activities count as exercise, including walking, biking, swimming, yoga, Zumba, dancing, playing basketball, weightlifting, etc. Choose an activity that you enjoy to make sure that you stick with your fitness plan.3. Walk or Bike to Class
While catching the bus or driving to class may be faster, walking and biking are both excellent ways to incorporate a few extra minutes of physical activity into your daily routine. Both activities are a great way to burn calories and unwind before your next class.
4. Join an Intramural Sport
Intramural sports are a great way to bond with your fellow classmates and add some extra exercise to your daily routine. Whether you're interested in soccer, flag football, or softball, a league-organized game schedule makes planning out your workouts easier.5. Head to the Gym
Most universities provide students with access to gym facilities that they can either purchase a membership to or take advantage of simply by being a student. (Many universities have the gym cost built right into tuition.) With accommodating hours, most college gyms give you the flexibility to fit a workout into your busy schedule. Many of these gym facilities will also have classes you can sign up for, such as yoga, spinning, weight training, etc.
6. Sign up for a Fitness Course
Signing up for a course is a great way to include fitness into your routine and earn college credit(s) at the same time. From strength training to tennis, many universities offer a variety of physical education courses that are a fantastic way to relieve stress, stay active, and build muscle.7. Exercise with Friend(s)
Exercising with friends is a great way to stay fit and catch up. Plus, having someone else relying on you to show up helps motivate you to stick to your routine. Not to mention that working out with a friend makes going to the gym more fun. When you find a way to make working out more fun, you'll be much more likely to keep it up. The other aspect to working out with friends is competitive, of course. Challenge each other to be the best you can, and always be supportive even when you're competing!
8. Take Advantage of Open Spaces
Most colleges feature large grassy quads or nature parks with trails that you can walk. Take advantage of these spaces by playing Ultimate Frisbee, going on hikes, or simply walking around. Combine with #7 and make it a party! Everyone getting fit together is a great bonding experience on top of being a very fun workout.9. Piece Your Workout Together
You don't need to fit your entire workout routine into a single time slot. Customizing your workout to fit your class and/or work schedule is a great way to ensure you develop a healthy routine that you can more easily stick to. You can also a gym backpack like the Expedition Backpack 300 to help stay organized and maintain your fitness routine by taking advantage of the meal management capabilities.10. Reward Yourself
Set short-term goals and reward yourself once you've achieved them. Try targeting a specific event to participate in, such as a 5k, triathlon, or Spartan race, specialty of 6 Pack Sponsored Athlete Lea Stretch. Training for a specific event will help keep you focused and motivated. Once you reach your goal, be sure to reward yourself with a fitness-focused reward, like new running gear or the gym backpack you've had your eyes on.