January 22, 2013
6 Pack Bags Presents: PREP SCHOOL 101 Instructed By fitlosophy | Session #3

6 Pack Fitness has partnered with fitlosophy to bring you a 3-session lesson on meal planning from the creator of the fitbook„¢ fitness + nutrition journal.
Session #3: Packing Portions
You still with me, class? You've now planned and prepped. The final session in PREP SCHOOL 101 is Packing Portions.-
Plan Meals The Night Before
This may be a little overboard for some, but for the super-busy, or for those of us who can get anxious around mealtime, taking a few minutes the night before to jot down your meals for the next day can really keep you on track. You'll also have a clear head when it comes to what you should consume and make during times you're tempted to slip up. Given my OCD-ness, this works because I'd rather eat what's written than scribble in my fitbook!
The idea is to pre-portion meals so that in a rush you don't grab too much, or if you're starving, you don't scarf everything in sight. Rule of thumb for portions: proteins should be 4-6 ounces, whole grains and dairy should be a 1/2 cup, and you want to keep fats to 2 tablespoons. Visit the food log guide page of the fitbook for more deets! Don't own a food scale? I highly recommend getting one so that you keep your portions (and caloric intake) in check. You'd be surprised how even a few ounces here and there are all that's standing between you and your long-term goals.
Pack It Up, Pack It In
Enter: the 6 Pack Bag meal management system! Yes, the bag you all know and love so well. Each night, after dinner and before beddy-bye, grab your sexy 6 Pack Bag and load it up with your clean eats for the day ahead. You've planned the meals in your fitbook, and weighed out your portions. Now, pack it up so you can grab and go in the a.m. I'm a fan of the smaller, Innovator 300 6 Pack Bag because I only lug lunch, snacks, my green drink, and blender bottle to work. My personal trainer boyfriend, on the other hand, has his eye on the Innovator 500 for his birthday. It's perfect for road warriors or those who need clean meals available all day long.
Wanna win this power trio of prep tools? Win a DURUS 300, fitbook„¢ and digital food scale: ENTER NOW!