December 22, 2015
Six Ways To Six Pack: Your Way To Creating FIT

Six Ways To Six Pack:
1. Ready For Competing
2. Off-Season vs. On
3. Bulking vs. Leaning
4. Cross Training, Special Cases & Day-To-Day
5. Compliments For Convenience
6. Special Bonus Deals $35 & $119 Plans with Six Pack Bag Purchase & More!

1) Ready to compete?
Have you considered competing in a fitness competition? Is 2016 your year? When I made the decision, I first put myself through a mini prep for three months following a meal and workout plan prior to joining Team Edge. I wanted to be sure I was ready. Competing requires sacrifices in all areas of your life. It is important to consider the adjustments to becoming a better person and athlete.
1. Training: 1.5-2 hours daily.
2. Meal Prep: 2 - 4 hours weekly.
3. 100% Clean Eating: Ability to compete.
4. Lifestyle Impact: Eating out, travel.
5. Financial Impact: May range $400 monthly to ~$2,500 overall.
Clean Eating
If you are serious, and want massive results, there aren't any deviations. If deviations happen, the consequences will depend on how often and how much, as that is what may impact your ability to compete in the target show.Lifestyle Impact
I am a big believer of the greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward. Your time, loved ones, mind, emotions, and finances will all be impacted in competing or gearing to compete.Financial Impact
1. Food: $300 - $500 a month.
2. Supplements: $100 - $150+ a month.
3. Coaching: $200 - $400 a month.
4. Show Registration: $100 - $300
5. NPC / Org Card: $100 - $200 annual.
6. Bikini / Show Gear: $200 - $500
7. Tan, Makeup & Hair: $200-$500
2) Off-Season vs. On
It is easy to quickly slip from on-season to off and make some common mistakes in the process. Don't let this be you! 1) Not eating enough or eating too much. 2) Eliminating or reducing carbs. 3) Eliminating or reducing cardio 4) Not enough rest. 5) Obsession about scale. 6) Lack of a goal. Post-show, I believe it is good to slowly reverse step by step from doing your plan in reverse. Yes, have a great meal after the show, or a few of them. At the same time, take care of your body. I stay within 10 lbs. off -season. I believe in staying within reach and not losing the hard work. In addition, a key component of my business is health maximizer programs and bundles so it keeps me accountable! I've now competed in two shows and done the research on post-show rebounds. In the off season, I simply increase my complex carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats) to increase muscle growth and treats 2-3x a month. Put simply, enjoy life but don't go crazy!
3) Bulking vs. Leaning

4) Cross Training
Are you bored? Do you need variety? Do you love all kinds of fitness? Great news! Cross training leads to benefits in conditioning, injury prevention, and recovery. A variety of fitness keeps your body and mind outside the comfort zone. As a result, your body keeps responding! Cross-training approaches are also becoming more and more popular in a variety of sports, e.g. NFL, NBA and the military. I've maintained lifting in my off-season, while adding yoga, spinning, dancing, and boxing through the same avenues I offer clients nationwide in our bundles.
5) Special Cases: Paleo, Vegetarian & More!
There are many people who choose specific programs for lifestyle, health reasons, and beliefs. Here are some resources that may help you in this journey! 1) Paleo Leap and 6 Pack's How to Meal Prep: Paleo Edition 2) Livestrong and 6 Pack's How to Build Muscle As a Vegetarian 3) 6 Pack's How to Vegan Meal Prep With Darlene Adamusik
6) Compliments For Convenience
KISS: Keep it simple, stupid! I struggled for years of going up and down until I finally got i, and these are some of the tools I use to stay on track. 1) Meal Bags: Innovator or Renee Tote. 2) Supplements: Herbalife Shakes, BCAAs, & Protein. 3) ClassPass: Variety of Fitness Classes Nationwide. Find what works best for you and incorporate it into your lifestyle for ease!
Hashtag Contest
You can win a FREE Renee Tote or Six Pack Gym Backpack!
Details: Show us how you create FIT. Be creative! It could be working out, inspiring others, meal prep, or a combination! 1) Tag: Six Pack Bags (@6packbags) 2) Tag: Fit Life Creation (@fitlifecreation) 3) Tag: 5 Friends 3) Hashtag: #6packcreatemyfit 4) Post Daily to increase chances. 5) Added Entries: If you purchase Unlimited Fitness, Fitness Model Photo Shoot Challenge, or Travel With Us to Costa Rica in May, you will get an entry for each item! See more details here! Note: Each of these deals include options with Six Pack Bags too!The contest runs December 11, 2015 - January 31, 2016.
Package Deals With FIT Life Creation

With Six Pack Bag Purchase. Bonus Deals: $35 One Month Meal & Workout Plan Three Day Trial Pack $119 One Month Meal & Workout Plan 2 Week Supplement Bundle