May 22, 2015
Transformations Series: Chris Dolan

"That will be me one day. I will become a natural pro bodybuilder."His original weight was 250 pounds when he began taking his fitness transformation seriously, although post-football injury his largest weight topped out at 295. With his chance at playing college football over, Chris had to deal with the natural depression that follows the end of a dream. When he was younger, he always loved bodybuilding. Once he finally had the opportunity to pull all his focus on bodybuilding, he decided his passion was in determining how he could transform his body naturally. As his favorite bodybuilder, Jay Cutler provided a great deal of inspiration to Chris. His training regiment is especially strict, with dedicated sessions six days a week. He is currently on a push/pull/legs split with HIIT cardio every other week. His diet is also very specific, and aided by John Gorman, owner of Team Gorman, who structures and caters Chris' meals to his exact needs. His macros are currently 270 g protein, 350 g carbs, and 52 g fat. 6 Pack Fitness came into the picture after Chris had noticed our gym backpacks and sports duffle bags online and in magazines. A friend of his owned one as well, and after seeing it for himself, Chris had to have one. Chris' day starts at 5:30am, and 6 Pack bags keep his food cold until 6pm when he gets home. Since he was able to transport his meals in his meal management system and sports duffle bag, he was able to obtain the optimum nutrition to aid in his fitness transformation.
In his quest to become a natural pro bodybuilder, Chris draws inspiration from many of the most powerful figures in the fitness world. Some words he likes to live by are:"These bags made my transformation possible. Without them it would have been much harder."
"You must have a sincere and burning desire to achieve what you dream, dedicate yourself to making progress, and take control of your circumstances to change your body."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger