May 12, 2015
Transformations Series: Christina Smith

After the photo shoot was finished, they entered the photographer's office to view the pictures on a flat screen television. He scrolled through at least 100 pictures and by the end of it, Christina could no longer hold back the tears. She realized in that moment that the girl in those pictures was not who she wanted to be. She made myself a promise that she would never look like that again. Starting out at 160 pounds, Christina now weighs 115. She believes that in order for anyone to truly commit to drastic changes, they have to be 100% ready in their own heart, no matter what anyone else may be telling them. "I got to the point where it was no longer 'I'd like to look different,'" Christina explained. "Now it had become, 'I am going to be healthy. Not for a guy, not for my friends, not to be more attractive or to wear cuter clothes€¦ but for MYSELF and to be proud of who I am!'" To get there, she tried many different diets – low carb, no carb, paleo, gluten-free, low fat - and lost a little weight with all of them, but couldn't maintain. She had struggled with body image and binge eating in the past, and some of these diets even triggered more binging. Christina eventually found that what works for her is making healthy choices without depriving herself or getting too obsessed. Meal management is a crucial component of staying on track nutritionally, as you can control your food options no matter where you are. While searching for food prep bags that would help her continue to make healthy food choices, Christina stumbled across 6 Pack on Instagram, and the rest was history."The girl I saw in those pictures wasn't who I saw in the mirror!"
"6 Pack inspired me to get a prep bag to take with me to work so that I didn't have to worry about not having healthy options there."

When she first started heavy lifting, she was afraid of looking manly. Now, she competes with herself to lift heavier than the last time! She doesn't want to be strong for a girl. She just wants to be STRONG. We couldn't be more excited for and inspired by her fitness transformation, and we wish her all the best of luck in future training!"Focus on how far you have already come and everything you have already accomplished. Getting healthy isn't about just looking good; it's about feeling good. It's about overcoming everything you never dreamed possible and continuing to strive to be better than the person you were yesterday."