March 29, 2016
Transformations Series: Enna Jones

An important component of Enna's fitness transformation was to set a realistic and reasonable goal for her body. "I had no interest in admiring a 20-something model or actress with no children, someone who was naturally thin and never knew the struggle of wanting a donut in the middle of the night without fearing it would go straight to her hips," Enna elaborated."My first step was to find a body that I wanted to look like."

According to the plan, Enna worked out 4-5 days a week, a manageable mix of cardio and strength training. She also carefully portioned out her meals, with a few variations due to some dietary restrictions. All told, she has now lost a total of 80 pounds!"I already knew what it felt like to give up. I wanted to see what it would be like if I actually followed through with it."
In fact, Enna says it was the catalyst that led to her exploration of even more fitness tools and accessories, workouts, meal plans, and even healthier versions of what used to be her comfort foods. When it comes to Enna's future goals, 2016 has brought a clear one to the forefront: participation in a Spartan Race Double Trifecta! In other words, Enna will run six races this year, and she's already begun with her first sprint race earlier this month. She's also signed up for her first marathon, the End Lupus Now 5K in May."Tools like 6 Pack bags were a lifesaver. I had zero excuses for not being prepared with my food. The right kind was readily available regardless of where I was."
"If you would've asked me if any of this was possible a few years ago I would've laughed at you. But making my health a priority saved my life!"