Top 5 Most Uncommon Superfoods
While many of us are familiar with superfoods like avocados, salmon, and eggs, there is a whole world out there full of many foods with some super healthy qualities. Let us guide you as we explore some of the world's lesser-known superfoods.
Camu Camu
Camu camu is a sour, lemon-sized fruit from the Amazonian lowlands. This orange and purple superfood comes loaded with a variety of phytochemicals (chemicals that occur naturally in plants), bioflavonoids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. However, camu camu's most impressive aspect is its incredible concentration. Camu camu contains approximately 20 to 50 times the amount of vitamin C than the levels found in an average orange, making it the world's best source of natural vitamin C. In addition, camu camu helps naturally reduce the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in your body while also improving your ability to absorb serotonin. Put simply, eating camu camu will make you happy.
Moringa (Olefiera)
Hailed as the "miracle tree," moringa might just be the most nutritious plant in existence. Native to regions of Africa and Asia, this astonishing superfood contains over 90 trace minerals. A single serving of cooked moringa leaves contains 272% of your daily value (DV) of vitamin A, 125% of your DV of calcium, 71% of your DV of iron, 41% of your DV of potassium, and 22% of your DV of vitamin C. With such a high nutritional value, it's no wonder why moringa has been linked to so many health benefits, including weight loss, digestive health, and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.Natto
Originating in Japan, natto is a fermented food derived from soybeans. Usually sold in soup, paste, or capsule form, natto provides a wide range of health benefits. Containing high levels of pyranzine and nattokinase, natto helps significantly reduce the risk of suffering a pulmonary embolism that could lead to a heart attack or stroke. In addition, natto is also loaded with vitamin K, which is vital for keeping bone density and preventing serious diseases like osteoporosis from developing. Warning: Natto is a very acquired taste, but like we mentioned above it is available in capsule form if you find the taste unbearable.