March 31, 2016
Part 3: IFBB Pro Ryall at the Arnold Classic in Australia

Even those who are familiar with the Arnold Classic and bodybuilding may not know exactly what goes into a pro fitness routine, much like the newly-introduced Australian crowd. The pro fitness competition typically consists of two rounds: a physique round where athletes' bodies are scored and a routine composed of a two-minute performance. The routine must contain five compulsory skills decided by the Arnold committee; each performer puts their own unique spin on it through choosing an overarching theme, simply wearing a costume, and/or employing the particular skill sets honed by their individual backgrounds – cheerleading, dance, or, in Ryall's case, gymnastics."It was an awesome show. The crowd was on fire."
"It's like a gymnastics routine on Red Bull."

The ability to inspire, motivate, and connect with not just other women performing, but also women, men, and even children all over the world, makes this opportunity even more incredible for Ryall. "Thanks to the IFBB and the Arnold, we're in the midst of a fitness revolution. It's so exciting to be a part of this as an individual athlete, because it's greater than just the competition," Ryall added."It feels like we're a team even though this is an individual sport, and I love that."

"I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing – that's the coolest part of all of this. I don't know how long it's going to last, but I'm enjoying every second."