It's Friday night and you know the drill. Your friends are hitting up the bars, after which they will surely be itching for a late-night-carb load that you won't want to be a part of. In all likelihood, you are probably DD and ain't no shame in that, until the inevitable moment when your clan catches on to the fact that you are staying on-point amidst a reckless evening. As the saying goes, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels, but not everybody can be fully on board with your priorities. In fact, very few people are. In the past, food shaming has been a tool most commonly used to deter people from chasing that infamous insulin spike: AKA gorging on junk food. But times- they are a-changin'- and food shaming has begun to take on a new identity. People are being shamed for sticking to their meal prep and refusing that piece of cake after dinner.
People are being shamed for sticking to their meal prep and refusing that piece of cake after dinner.
Have you ever pulled out your meal prep at a BBQ and been bombarded by hoards of people encouraging you to "accept your body how it is" and "go ahead and indulge". "Live a little" they tell you. "You look great exactly how you are!" There is nothing more frustrating than trying to explain yourself to a room full of judgmental stares when all you want to do is take care of yourself and be healthy. Though it feels like you are alone in your quest for the perfect six-pack; you are not. We are here to remind you that there is a whole community of people in the same boat as you are; the Six Pack Fitness community, and we have your back in the struggle against food shaming.
"Go ahead and indulge. Live a little" they tell you.

Human beings are tribal animals who once depended on acceptance from their communities for survival. If you failed to fit in, you could potentially be excommunicated from your tribe, in which case you were as good as dead. We have carried this outdated way of living into the present, despite the fact that we no longer need the approval of others to survive. Yet the struggle to fit in remains. Studies show that the ability to keep a diet on track is directly correlated with the environment you place yourself in, and that includes the people you surround yourself with. You can have the discipline of a Shaolin Monk, but if you are in an environment of people who alienate you for sticking to your tupp-life, things are bound to get complicated. There seems to be a food-pushing epidemic in this country and people are finding themselves being shamed for prioritizing their health over their indulgences.
Studies show that the ability to keep a diet on track is directly correlated with the environment you place yourself in.

For centuries people have used food and drink to comfort themselves, to bring family and friends together, to celebrate successes and to drown sorrows. Let's face it, most social events revolve around food in one way or another. But are these customs helping or hurting us when it comes to the overall health of our communities? I don't have to tell you twice that the U.S. is the world's leader in heart disease and diabetes. Maybe it's time to set a new precedent? Nobody knows better than you that memories are NOT MADE IN THE KITCHEN, and fun can be had sans refined carbs or alcohol. We are more than meal-preppers- more than health innovators. We are part of a movement; a revolution to overthrow the food-centric mentality that shames and alienates those of us who want to look and feel great. We are the community who demands to stand above the crowd. We accomplish what we set out to do and we take no prisoners along the way. We are #Proud2Prep.
We accomplish what we set out to do and we take no prisoners along the way. We are #Proud2Prep.

Post pics, tag us, and show us how you have fun without veering from your meal-prep! Use hashtag #PROUD2PREP and you could be featured on our site! Every week one 6PF Fan will WIN A GIFT CERTIFICATE to use on the BAG OF YOUR CHOICE!
Check out our community page!
This post is brought to us by 6 Pack's resident blog badass, Jade. Check out her other posts on how to build muscle as a vegetarian, whether the paleo diet is healthy, and how to spice up oatmeal.Browse meal management systems, gym totes, gym backpacks, and more to find the perfect 6 Pack Bag for you!