The benefits of flexibility exercises are immediately clear. You'll physically feel better, be more flexible, and improve your ability to do certain exercises. Anyone can tell you that trying to exercise with stiff and sore muscles is not the way to do it. Stretching loosens up the muscles so they're in good form during your workout. When you organize your workout routine with opening and closing routine, your workout regimen is sure to soar.
The importance of stretching is well known, although it can be one of those things that you sometimes skip if you're in a hurry. Nevertheless, flexibility exercises are critical to a healthy life. When it comes to breaking down different kinds of moves, flexibility exercises fall into two basic types of stretches: static and dynamic.
Static Flexibility Exercises
In a static move, the muscle is stretched in a pose that is accessible while still being laborious. This is what people usually think of when they think of stretching. Overall flexibility is definitely improved through these types of flexibility exercises.Static stretches are the best kind to do after you work out, to cool your muscles down. The major muscle areas you should always make sure to stretch are: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, back, triceps, biceps, shoulders, and forearms. Hold each position for 20-30 seconds.
Dynamic Flexibility Exercises
During a dynamic stretch, the muscle is repeatedly moved (to a comfortable extent) during stretching. These types of stretches improve functional range of motion, which in turn improves overall mobility. Dynamic stretches, which are oriented around movement, are the best flexibility exercises to warm your body up before working out. They are generally believed to be better for preparing the body for athletic activity, boosting flexibility, and meeting your full range of motion. With dynamic stretches before working out, static stretches after working out, and a stocked up 6 Pack Bag, your workout routine is fully rounded.
Critical Stretches For Your Routine
Joint Rotations: Stand with arms freely at sides and bend, extend, and rotate your fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, hips, knees, ankles, feet, and toes.
Arm Swings: With back straight, stand tall and swing both arms to an overhead position, forward, down, and backwards 5-10 times. Swing your arms out and cross them in front of your chest 5-10 times as well.
Lunges: With back straight, lunge forward about three feet with your right leg, thigh parallel to the ground and lower leg perpendicular. Repeat with the left leg, do 10-15 times each.
Half Squat: From a standing position, bend your knees until thighs are parallel with the ground. While looking forward, completely straighten legs and return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
Things To Remember During Flexibility Exercises
- Always warm up muscles before using them.
- Stretch calmly and smoothly.
- Breathe into the stretch.
- Don't bounce (it can cause injury).
With improved flexibility comes improved fitness, hence the value of flexibility exercises. In order to keep your muscles fresh and limber, the importance of stretching before and after your workout cannot be overstated. When your fitness regimen is bookended with flexibility exercises and nutritionally managed with 6 Pack Bags, consistent fitness greatness will be yours.