November 30, 2016
How to Meal Prep: Low Carb Ketogenic Diet With Michael Plantin

Foods to Eat While on A Low Carb Ketogenic Diet
The following foods are great choices for keto: avocado, eggs, full fat meats such as 80/20 ground beef, cheese, organic grass-fed butter, full-fat bacon, raw nuts, full-fat cream cheese, unwich sandwiches, and, of course, lots of green leafy veggies.
A Full Day's Meals
Meal 1
Meal Prep Tips for a Low Carb Ketogenic Diet
While on the low carb ketogenic diet, you cook your food every day, if possible, because refrigeration of high-fat meats can cause the fats to consolidate in the bottom of the containers. Even though this diet is high in fat consumption, be sure to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables to make up for vitamins you will be missing out on from the carbs you have cut out. When cooking high-fat meats such as burgers, bacon, or steaks, cook with a lid on the pan. The high-fat meats will pop all over your kitchen. I continuously had to clean grease and fat off of my cabinets, the floor in front of the stove, and even the ceiling, so even if you don't take anything else away from this, take this tip seriously!
Favorite Snack
I would have to say my favorite snack while on the low carb ketogenic diet would have to be Arctic Zero ice cream with melted almond or peanut butter poured into a bowl with some Walden Farms chocolate syrup! Feels like you're cheating but this is a snack you can fit in daily and hit your macros every time. See above for the nutritional details, too. A low carb ketogenic diet has many benefits and could help you achieve your fitness goals! Want to learn even more about styles of meal prep? We have How to Meal Prep guides for several different diets and food preferences, including Vegan Meal Prep, Paleo and On the Farm! Tackle your diet and handle your meals with our meal management bags and you'll never have to worry about missing important nutritional needs ever again. This post has been brought to us by 6 Pack ambassador, Michael Plantin. Michael is 23 years old, a member of the United States Air Force, and currently working towards his BA in Kinesiology. He has competed twice in the NPC Men's Physique class and placed in the top four both times. He has an active presence on social media with a focus on growing his own knowledge as well as educating others and sharing as much information as he can with people who are willing to listen. Be sure to check him out on YouTube and follow @Aesthetic_Mikes on Instagram!