Put a sweet spot in your Sunday morning – and throughout the week – with this tasty recipe for blueberry pomegranate Greek yogurt squares! This might not exactly be the most necessary of all the food prep in your meal management bag, but everyone deserves a treat every now and then.
Makes 6 servings or 12 squares.
1 tablespoon coconut water3 cups Greek yogurt2-3 tablespoons honey½ cup frozen pomegranate seeds½ cup frozen blueberries
These squares aren't necessarily great for meal prep, but they are a fantastic, fruity dessert or snack. The recipe calls for frozen fruit, but if you have fresh fruit on hand, use it!Longing for more sweetness? First check out our top 5 healthy sugar alternatives, then satisfy those saccharine cravings with our recipes for Almond-Dusted Protein Balls, Apple Pie Oatmeal, Pumpkin Protein Cookies, and Dark Chocolate (Slight) Cheat Cookies.Explore all our Meal Prep Sundays recipes for even more nutritious ideas for on-the-go meal prep to keep on hand in your meal management bags, gym totes, gym backpacks, briefcases, and sports duffle bags.
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