May 31, 2016
Muscle-Mind Connection: Use It To Unlock Beast Mode

1. Center yourself.
This tip is straight out of the meditation playbook. Even before you begin your workout, take the time to center yourself with your breaths. Start by breathing in for six seconds. Hold the breath for two more, then breathe out for another seven. Biologically speaking, this helps control your heart rate. But it also helps you build your internal focus and block out unwanted external stimulations.
2. Focus on improving the little things.
When it comes down to it, the muscle-mind connection is ALL about focus. To bring it down to a manageable level, add a small goal to focus on throughout your entire workout. These can take one of two forms: skill-oriented or performance-oriented.Skill-oriented.
Consider the importance of keeping a neutral spine during deadlifting. It's crucial to displaying and maintaining proper form, yet so simple that you may not even realize you aren't holding your spine quite right. Instead of focusing completely on the movement of the deadlift, zero in your focus on keeping the spine neutral. Keep the focus on your spine until you have completely integrated it into the movement. This way, not only are you deepening the muscle-mind connection, but you're also improving your deadlifting ability/form in the long run. Once you've mastered that small focus, move on to the next potential weakness you've identified in your workout.