April 17, 2013
Tips For Proper Gym Hygiene
Pre-Gym Hygiene
- Cut your nails to avoid collecting nasty germs at the gym.
- It seems like common sense, but buy gym clothes that cover your body's most vulnerable spots to fight infection and disease.
- Be sure to cover all cuts and scrapes to prevent infections.
- If you're already sick, avoid the gym. There is no sense in spreading the disease or potentially getting more ill by pushing yourself.
Gym Hygiene
- If your gym doesn't supply them, pack a towel or some paper tissue in your 6 Pack Bags to wipe down your gym equipment after use.
- Don't use a community yoga mat. Trust no one's germs.
- Use two different towels throughout your workout. One for your body and one for your machine.
- Pack a water bottle in your meal management system and avoid places with germs like the water fountain.
Post-Gym Hygiene
- Wear footwear in the shower€¦ Duh! After the gym, soak your sandals in a 10% bleach/90% water mixture to kill all germs.
- Use liquid soap in the gym shower. It will harbor fewer germs than a bar of soap.
- Washing your hair regularly will help to avoid greasy skin and hair.
- Avoid the spa or sauna if you have any open cuts or wounds. It's better to be safe than sorry.
- Don't leave your dirty gym gear in your bag or inside a spare pocket of your meal management system. Take your stuff out, wash it and replace it if it's getting too funky.