All you have to do is get off the couch. It sounds easy enough, but for many, the thought of leaving behind a life of TV and fast food is debilitating. For Tomi Ann Butler, these bad habits were the only thing standing between her and her dream. "It had always been my goal to do a figure competition," the Mississippi native states. "I was 200 pounds with a 6 Pack Bag on my shoulder saying, 'I'm going to enter a figure competition,' and a lot of people looked at me like 'Yeah, right.'" Instead of being complacent, Tomi Ann worked to change her life by joining a clean eating group and organizing her dietary life with a DURUS meal management system. In an amazing transformation period, Butler dropped over 70 pounds and has set her focus on several bodybuilding competitions, including the 2013 Arnold Classic.
Tomi Ann, the 2012 Arnold Classic was the beginning of your life transformation. What made you start your journey a year ago? I weighed 200 pounds. I was facing a lot of stress and, like a lot of women, I was looking out for everybody but me. I knew I had to do it because I had gotten so overweight and I just wasn't living life. I knew I had to change. I just made my mind up and I started to eat clean.
What did you find at Arnold that helped you transition? I went to the Arnold to meet Tosca Reno and the Eat Clean group, and when I was there, I went by the 6 Pack Fitness booth. I had already bought the small bag, but I participated in (the Dump Your Cooler Challenge) and got the new bag. The big one! If I didn't have my 6 Pack Bag, I could not have done this. It's been vital!
What kind of foods did you pack in your new bag to break from your old diet? A lot of lean proteins. Every morning for breakfast I have what I call a protein pancake, which is egg whites and oatmeal. Then protein powder, which I have a couple times a day. Chicken, fish, lean beef, asparagus, broccoli. No processed foods. I've cut out sugar. I have healthy fats like nut butter , almonds and avocados on salads. Just clean healthy food, the way we were meant to be.
How did you do in your first bodybuilding competitions? In June, I competed in the NPC West Palm Beach. I finished fourth in Masters Over 40 and sixth in Class D. In November, I competed in the Amanda Marinelli Classic and finished third and fifth. I've got three trophies, but really the best part is how I feel. I mean, I'm 42 and I feel better than I did at 21.
The struggle to find a fitter you is one that can stop many before they truly get started. Yet, Tomi Ann Butler has pulled through to fulfill her dream of becoming active in bodybuilding competitions and, in general, being a healthier, happier person. With a 6 Pack Bag in hand, she's ready to complete for her goal of placing at the 2013 Arnold Classic later this month.
In Part 2 of Tomi Ann Butler's Fitness Feature, Tomi Ann discusses how she manages her new eating habits while working long hours as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. Discover how she utilizes her DURUS meal management system and what her meal prep process entails.