September 21, 2016
Good Morning Routine: 4 Tips to Jumpstart Your Day

1. Plan ahead.
The last way you want to spend your morning is stressed out, running around trying to get everything together for the day ahead. This is why planning ahead and prepping the night before are an essential part of a good morning routine. Pack your original meal management bags the night before with everything you'll need to fuel the next day. By planning ahead you eliminate the craziness of rushing around, which can often lead to forgetting important elements for your day.2. Listen to your body.
To meet the day head-on, you need to listen to your body. This good morning routine starts the night before. You should go to sleep not only when you're tired but also at a time that lets you get the appropriate amount of sleep to wake up well-rested. Get up and out of bed when you naturally wake up. Don't hit snooze and don't try to go back to sleep; both of these will make you more tired as the day continues and dampen your productivity.