In Part 1 of Ryall's fantastic journey, we were able to vicariously experience her travels while working out in the fabulous locales of Paris, Israel, and Jordan – an activity she likes to call "athletic sightseeing." Recall, her journey began in Paris during Fashion Week to discuss her clothing line with designer Bia Brazil. Since Ryall had some time to spare, she decided to extend her trip, and ended up visiting fifteen more countries in the process!
In Part 2 of her awe-inspiring trip, we dive into highlights from Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, and Luxembourg.
Ryall explored every single city she traveled to on foot, even including walking with the camels in Egypt!
From Jordan to Egypt!
Hanging with the camels in Egypt.
Off to the next destination for Ryall and her trusty Renee Tote.
Enjoying the beautiful scenery with an athletic pose to match.
Every city had a unique experience to offer, and Istanbul was no different.
Comrade Ryall in Ukraine.
Her stay in Kiev stands out as one of the most memorable aspects of the trip. At the time of her visit, Ukraine was not stable. In fact, while she was there, a number of protests were taking place and large barriers were set up in the streets. For Ryall, it was incredible to run through the streets of Kiev and see the beautiful architecture, but also to imagine the daily lives of the citizens living through that instability.
Ryall loved being able to incorporate fitness into exploring the cities she visited: athletic sightseeing, as she termed it. Her main point of attack focused on a combination of outdoor body weight exercises and cardio, as well as utilizing PRX and resistance bands.
Instead of jumping on a double decker tour bus as soon as she arrived at a new city, she would pre-plan a route on her phone, save it, and just go and run. This way, she could explore the city essentially tourist-free, all while burning calories and feeling great about it.
"It was a really exciting way to get out, sightsee, and explore."
Although she did try to find local gyms when she could, it wasn't always easy. Since she might be arriving at a destination at any time, such as late in the day, if she wanted to get a quick workout, it was often easier to just hit the road and try to come across a park to do some body weight workouts and other outdoor exercises.
Nevertheless, she did find some local gyms, and noted that the comparison between European and North American gyms is quite vast. North American gyms are massive in comparison to the smaller gyms the rest of the world trains out of. It was interesting for Ryall to check out these gyms and meet some of the locals training out of them.
Where did Ryall's awesome travels take her next? You'll have to wait for Part 3 to find out! In the meantime, check out Part 1 for more breathtaking photos and awesome urban workout videos. If you love Ryall's stylish 6 Pack gym tote, check out the Renee for yourself!
Want more Ryall? Check her out on her website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter!
Do you think you might want to take an active vacation of your own? Train with Ryall in paradise, and travel fit to Barbados! Get more info here.
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